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Wilford Karate School
Continual training in Karate will benefit you physically and psychologically. You will feel improved tone and muscular strength, better posture, higher Cardio-Vascular fitness, weight loss, faster reactions.
By pushing your limits and overcoming goals in the dojo you will develop a stronger mind and spirit.

Knowing the capabilities of your own body and ways to defend yourself will give you confidence in other areas of life…knowing you are able to protect yourself, gives you a strong sense of self-esteem in everyday life. Our training offers a structured method of coping with new challenges, constantly setting and achieving goals enables the belief that you will succeed. This can be transferred to all other areas of life, especially work or school. Rising to a challenge and reaching new goals like passing belts will boost your self-esteem leading to a positive self-image.

‘Karate is a tool to discipline the mind, achieve this and the body follows’